Monday, June 2, 2008

Cadman Signing Qut

To my true love Vicki-Until we met again and to all the other FREEBIRDS let our wings soar.
God Bless, Lee


Stacey said...

Hey Lee,
Just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers have been with you and Vicki and the family. It is so hard to find the right words to say. Maybe there are no right words. I do just want to make sure you know that you are such a BRAVE and COURAGEOUS man!! You have overcome so many obstacles. You should be so proud of yourself. I am proud of you. You have just kept your head up no matter what :) I respect and admire you for that.
Now when times seem to be the hardest please remember....The Lord your God will lead you and protect you on every side. Isaiah 52:12 God is with us every day, every hour, and every moment. Focus on him. I love all you guys very much and miss you all. Take Care


Please let me know if you need anything.

Sis said...

You are absolutely, without a doubt, the bravest man I have ever known. You have fought the good fight. In my mind you have won by going through this with such strength and positive attitude. The weak couldn't have done what you did. Once again, I will say "You Amaze Me". I love you with all my heart.


brother said...


the love that we share as brothers is something that i will carry in my heart every day forever. your strength and courage have made me a better man. we will fish again one day my brother. thank you for being the best brother and friend anyone could ever ask for. my glass is half full everyday and for that i thanks you.

i love you my dear brother, with all my heart,

Unknown said...

Last night someone stole my visor out of my jeep. Saturday I lost my wallet. Two weeks ago I felt as if my blood had run cold. I think about all the bad things in life and try to imagine how something like what your going through could happen to such a great father/mentor/friend. Some thing just can't be explained and the more you try, the more you scrath your head. I wonder if the person wearing my hat, or holding my wallet has any idea of the sentimental value of it all. Letting go physically, but never mentally I will always keep you with the most sentiment. Your value to me could never be replaced and for someone to take you away like this you must be really needed, where you go.

Aunt Debbie said...

My Dear Lee, I didn' know anything about this blog until Aunt Peggy let me know through an e-mail today. Please know that I love you, Vicki, and the kids very much. Our family has been truly blessed by having you in it. My prayers have been constant for all of you and I know that God has you under his care. You are correct when you say we will see each other in Gods Heaven. Until then, my favorite nephew,(don't tell anyone)Happy Trails, until we meet again.. Much love, Aunt Debbie

Teesa said...

spread your wings and, Teesa

Aunt Peg said...

Our dear precious Lee: I don't believe you ever realized just how loved you are by our family. Your sense of humor, your love of family, and your faith have carried you thus far. They will carry you further. Please know how proud of you we are, and wait for us on the other side of Jordan. I love you

KMac72 said...

I am so very sad to see you leave us, but I know that you are "as free as a bird now" and very happy about that.
Which makes me happy as well.

God will hold you close and will comfort those you've left behind.

We'll all see you again someday, my friend!

Jim Cullen said...


It's been over a year since you left us and not a day goes by that I don't think about you or the wisdom you imparted upon me. We may have only known each other for a short time, but a better friend and soulmate I have never known. I will miss you forever.

Godspeed my friend.