Monday, August 6, 2007

Dog days of summer

Well it's almost 100 degrees today and I am just thankful for season changes, it is temporary and the leaves will be falling soon. Yesterday I went to my sister Pam's house for dinner with the family and to see Nina who is visiting from Naples who I visited in January. Good food and great company is always enjoyable. I can't wait for football season. I was born a Redskin fan. Last Sunday my brother and I along with Cliff and Robert went to visit the training camp but it got rained out. We are going to try again this Wednesday. My niece Briana's half sister Brittany gave me a Redskin hat signed by Joe Gibbs. I will always think of her when I wear it and it was a kind and generous act. We have 8 bands lined up for my fundraiser and many people are involved getting sponsors and vendors. Go to to get information on the fundraiser. I have been a pinball enthusiast since childhood. Yesterday a guy from Pennsylvania bought back 2 of my machines he was restoring for me, Jurassic Park and Revenge From Mars. I had him put them in my room. I can still roll my chair to them and play them. I am enjoying the things I can. I have decided to grow my hair long. I have always been blessed with thick fast growing hair. I feel it is one thing ALS can't get and I am doing it because I can. My mind is strong and have a sense of humor. Yesterday I was trying to adjust the seat belt in my wheel chair and just couldn't pull the belt through the catch to make it shorter. My right hand is weak and I struggled with for a few minutes and gave up. I asked my good friend Jim Cullen to adjust the belt and he also was struggling with it for a few minutes. I looked at him and said "So they expect handicap people to do that easily huh"? We looked at each other at that moment and laughed to hysteria. It was one of those situations you had to be there but one I will never forget, thanks Jim. I am making it through the love and caring of family and friends. Well until next time God bless and be safe, Lee.