Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Time to start my online journal

Today the temperature is going to get into the fifty's. A welcoming site after the frozen tundra for the last few weeks. Yesterday Vicki and I went to Richmond Va. to look at speech equipment. You know the machines that speak for people if there is a loss of voice. I am not ready for one but it is good to get this done while you are able. I want to tell you the only way to cope with this disease is faith in God. This life is temporary and we all are passing through. I said earlier that this disease can take me physically but never take my soul. My family and friends are another reason I can cope. Many have out poured there feelings and services and I appreciate it immensely. I'm still getting around with a cane. I feel good and just thank God for this day he has given me. Take care and God bless. Lee

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